
 I was born in year 1978 in Zagreb where I grow up with my friends.

In year 1993 I started to dance with my friends and soon was introduced to bboying and it was a new challenge for me so I started to get involved inside this culture. So my hip hop trip started back then and since then I get involved in many things like a dancer, choreographer, organizer or promoter.

In year 1996 Adidas street ball tour in Croatia  take a place and I was choreographer for the shows of that tour so after that next stop was BOTY in Germany with the crew Megablast. Preforming on BOTY in years 1996 & 1997 get me a chance to meet more bboys world wide.

So after some time in year 1997 with my friend Flor Killah (R.I.P.) I founded the crew FreeStyle Kings, which after some time become a main organization for developing of bboying in ex Yugoslavia & Balkan.

FreeStyle Kings started with making jams in year 2001 and that thing started to make development of bboying in that aria. With good coordination between us we all did a big thing for Croatia and countries around because bboys from all over started to come in our countries. 

There was many things to offer after that era and bboy schools was all over, my trip was always all over Europe on jams & battles like a guest, judge or host. I Croatia there was just one more thing to do, put the bboying in theater and since 2005 I started to do that. With dancing in theater shows I get a wish to make my own show and in 2009 that was done. First theater show in Croatia made by bboy's was remake of opera "Madame Butterfly" which had a good success in Croatia.

So I'm still here and still keep it rockin, traveling all over on jams, battles, party's and with my friend organizing a good things.

Since 2011 with my friends (Shane 10 Tonn & Tonny Green) from UK I joined Dirty 30' project in order to make an generation battles for bboys over 30 years of age. That event was there before but this time we join our forces in order to make it world wide. We work on that battles constantly and in the moment we have our qualifications all over and main event is taking place on UK B-Boy Championship.

My work is dedicated on developing of hip hop culture by making social projects for youth in order to show a positive aspects of this culture and life to young people. So that idea started new era of my life, now by using all of my friendships and in coordination with them we are building an network of NGO's all across the Europe in order to make youth and social projects in HipHop community.

Since 2009 I become a member of The Bronx Boys Rocking Crew and also with the time a president of Balkan Chapter of that big family. Our mission is to preserve HipHop and get involved in building a good grassroots for next generation out of business perspective, to support creativity and care about the ones who don't have. 

In this time I work a lot on developing a projects for youth (new generation) with goals to share the knowledge, building unity, offering different non formal education, helping community, producing tolerance, civil participation of youth, social reform, and economic sustainability. Also my work is based on developing a network of organizations on European level for making the same projects together on European level and on that way to connect youth from different cultures and countries true this HipHop culture.

Until now I put out events like:

Battle Zone, Style Vision, West Coast Istra Battle, Circle Printz Balkan, B-Urban Meeting, BBoyizm, Razor Challenge, Bomb Rush, ZGB All Star Battle, Ultimate Battles, Tribute 2 Flor Killah, Dirty 30', Free BBoy Session, and more.

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